Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Eating, Shopping, and Eating in Edinburgh

This is the outside of our flat.  We are on the first floor (that's the second floor in America).   Our building on it's own doesn't look like much but we are part of Dean Village which is an adorable little enclave on the Water of Leith.  I've posted similar pictures of this area before because my friend Andrea  has her flat here but it was such a beautiful day that I decided to take more.  Hopefully you aren't sick of these views yet...

Andrea's place is in the yellow building.  It's too bad she isn't here for Hogmanay as well - it would be fun to have a neighbor while we were here!

We went out to a new Mexican place for lunch - clearly we were having too much fun to stop and focus the camera.
 Then we did a little shopping.
 And the next thing you know, it's time for dinner.  The table over Bill's shoulder had me fascinated.  I was trying to figure out how they were all related.  It looked like a father and his kids but was the girl his daughter or was she the girlfriend of the oldest son?  And where was the mother - were they divorced and this was their time with Dad?  He kept drawing my attention since he was fairly loud for a Brit and made some sort of pronouncement against Americans that I didn't quite catch. I can see why his wife left him.

My dinner included a haggis starter and venison for my main.  It would be hard to be a vegetarian in Scotland when there is so much good meat!  I need to get my haggis fix while I can.  And, Chris, I bought 3 sausages of black pudding to take home with me!  It will be black pudding month in London this January.


didi said...

I love all your photos of scenery, keep them coming!

Unknown said...

GREAT photos! I truly love reading about your adventures - you're both hysterical! Love the torch parade! That looked like it would be amazing to watch, and how ironic that you ended up next to a Cambridge couple. I can't imagine that, over the years, there haven't been horror stories of people catching their hair or clothes on fire. I can imagine a bunch of drunks stumbling and catching buildings on fire.... LOL. Looked like an awesome way to ring in the new year!