Thursday, December 18, 2014

Fun with Monkeys

My week in India was a huge week for monkeys.
This is the monkey who stole my roll.  Lighting fast.  Snuck up behind me and before Leena could warn me he had my roll and was snickering lightly.

At this point I was just amused by our monkey friends.  This was moments before the roll theft.

Monkeys eating tics off of each other.  Sorry Jennie.
She hates tic talk.

Look at the utter joy this monkey is having.
It's hard to be grossed out by the tics when a monkey is getting such euphoria.


didi said...

Now here's a photo I'd like to see Jen recreate!

Madhuleena said...

Wish we were faster enough with our cameras, could have taken the shot of the 'roll' theft.. :P