Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Last Quiz Before Christmas

Everyone must have decided to go for a pre-holiday drink last night because the pub was packed.  So full, in fact, that we never got a table and had to all hover around a barrel.  One person who was not there was Bill!  Even though he got home from India in time, he brought with him some germs and stayed home  with a fever wrapped up in a blanket.
The rest of the gang was there.  Ollie, Mike, Cat, Jerry, Jules and even neighbor Roger mad an appearance.
This is what happens when Bill isn't here to be my paparazzi.  I'm forced to take selfless while everyone is quizzing.  Rakesh in India sent that scarf home with Bill for me!
This wasn't even an acting directive.
Quiz Questions:
Athlete and author Jim Fixx died while doing this activity.
What is the 11th letter of the Greek alphabet?
Who won the 1988 Swiss Eurovision Song Concert?
What term involving an item of clothing is used to describe delicate treatment?
What side of the road do they drive on in Malta?
Which Harry Potter book involved the TriWizard Tournament?
Hamilton is the capital city of what?
What US state has the highest mountain?
What links the following things:  Tom in Portugal, Elaine in Saudi Arabia, Metalica in Sweden, Facebook and Robocop in Mexico?

Quiz Answers:
Athlete and author Jim Fixx died while doing this activity.  Jogging
What is the 11th letter of the Greek alphabet?  Lambda
Who won the 1988 Swiss Eurovision Song Concert?  Celine Dion
What term involving an item of clothing is used to describe delicate treatment?  Kid gloves
What side of the road do they drive on in Malta?  Right (this one was controversial - the answer is really Right but the quiz answer was Left - - so everyone got it correct)
Which Harry Potter book involved the TriWizard Tournament?  HP and The Goblet of Fire
Hamilton is the capital city of what?  Bermuda
What US state has the highest mountain?  Alaska
What links the following things:  Tom in Portugal, Elaine in Saudi Arabia, Metalica in Sweden, Facebook and Robocop in Mexico?  They are all banned as birth names in those countries.
After the quiz I went over t say hello - and goodbye!! - to The Jedi Knights  John and Jason.  Turns out this is John's last quiz at the Vic because his contract is up.  He'll be up in Whitby until further notice.  Jason will still be here until February but he was sad to miss Bill before the holidays and sent him this message below:
It's sad to start saying good bye to people.  But I hope that Bill and I will get up to Whitby in 2015.
And here is the winning team!!!  That's right - full sized Orchestra won again this week!!

1 comment:

Mom said...

Before you leave the Mews, how is your neighbor's construction progressing? Pictures?