Monday, December 29, 2014

Edinburgh MiniBreak

This is our little flat for the next 5 days.  The place I usually rent was already booked but this has turned out to be a perfect substitute and a bit quieter since we are in Dean Village and not right on a busy street.

 A day on the train doesn't make for a very exciting blog post.  But we got here in time to go walk around the Christmas festival.  Basically it's the same rides, food, stalls, etc that are going on in our own backyard - Hyde Park.   Do we have amusement parks set up at Christmas time in the US??  I don't seem to recall something like this for Christmas at home.

 As you can see from Bill's scarf and hat above, it's cold out.  Now imagine being cold AND being flung around on a string by this contraption.  I wonder if anyone ever throws up on the people below.
 Ahhh…this is more my speed.  We stopped for a drink at the Devil's Advocate and stayed for many more.  The bar is tucked down one of the steep narrow stone stairways that runs up to the Royal Mile.  Something about stone walls and candle light that make for a great ambiance.  If I ever open a restaurant I this is how I will decorate.  (My restaurant would only serve food I could order in from another restaurant since I can't cook.)

Our mini break is off to a good start!

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