Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve day started with a visitor.  Laura has been dog sitting our neighbours puppy.  Piper is Jen's dream dog.  It's a girl (no testicles on the coach, she says), it's in her colour palette, it's in the beagle family and it is already named one of Jen's top two names.  (The other is Cooper, but I'm not a fan).  Piper, however, reminded Jen why she cannot have a dog.  Jen is allergic to dogs and Piper's affection left Jen itching.

Later in the afternoon it was off to Mother's for Christmas.  I wore my festive smoking jacket.  Bret usually goes with the flow in terms of putting up with my outfits.  This one, however, I don't think he could figure out.  
 The holiday is no reason for Malikai to alter his 'no normal picture' stance.
 Bret carved out a cool ornament for my Mom.  He gets his whittling from my Dad, I think.  The only thing I've ever whittled away on is our savings .... here all week, thank you.
To quote Hugh Grant in 'About a Boy', 'I have to hand it to him.  He could get excited about some real crap gifts.'  (Just kidding about this gift... it's a lovely shirt and jumper combo.
 The kids underwear did not go well.  Wrong kind.  Not the wrong superhero on them.  The wrong style.  They like boxers......
 But the overalls went over better.  Only Bret would point me to The Farm Store for fashion items.  The overalls were giant on the kids, but they didn't seem to care.

Ohhhh.  So close to a classic family photo.  Nice job, Malikai.
 Since he cannot be beaten, I decided to drag the whole family down with him.
 I asked the boys to fill in the colour for the two drawings I did of Allie and Zoe.  There were times during the painting that I thought that I'd made a terrible mistake.  Malikai was mashing the paint brushes, while Wyatte painted two dark eyes on Zoe.  The kind of picture you see in the hideaway of a serial killer who marks his victims.  When Wyatte painted 'poo' over Zoe's head, I was in trouble.
But the watercolors smoothed out, I covered up the poo and the paintings were a hit.
The lesson as usual is not to rate the process, but rate the end result.

 Jen scared the kids by telling them how much she missed them while maniacally sobbing.  Nothing says Christmas like unstable emotional behaviour to scare the children.
Very cute picture.  One of my favourites of the day.
 These rugby songs are truly awful, dirty, and not in the spirit of Christmas.  Well, not in the spirit of some sad family's Christmas.  But definitely in the spirit of our Christmas!
 Churchill toby jug.  Jen and I exchanged similar Churchill pottery.
 I may have overdone the scarf shopping in India.....
Zoe, if you are reading the blog, here is a hint about the present we got you.
 Playing old, miserable Victorian women.
 Mom loved the calendar Jen made of her.  She particularly loved/hated the pictures of herself pretending she was a donkey.
 Jen made the mistake of telling me she's always wanted to tap dance.
Now she has to learn how with her new tap shoes.  She actually sounded pretty good in her first wearing.

 A monkey hat is always appropriate for any occasion.
 Winner of the best grumpy face award, three years running!

Merry Christmas, everyone.
Hope you and your family had as much fun as we did.

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