Friday, December 12, 2014

Antiques and Music

For weeks I've been saying that Thursday morning I would go over to East London to the Spitalfields antique market.  So this week I finally got my act together and did it. Looking on the website, it said that it opened at 8:00 am but they were still setting up when I arrived after 9:00.

 I was hoping to do a little Christmas shopping but once I  got there I realized that the only person who likes all these old odds and ends is me!!! So I bought myself these vintage winter tea cups and saucers.    Perfect for a Christmas cuppa.
 After work I met Jerry and Jules to go see their flatmate Sophie in a concert.  They sang Monteverde's Magnificat II from Selve Morales e Spirituale and Handel's Dixit Dominus in cast that means anything to anyone. They were quite good.  The group is London Lawyer Music but I found out that they do have members from other professions. 

 Afterwards we went to the pub down the street.  One of the women there was a patent lawyer currently working on a case where a Korean man is trying to get a UK patent for something she called "training pants" for men but I'm not sure what they train you for.  I thought it was about bed wetting but she talked about how you can control them by how fast you walk!!  I wish I'd gotten a photo of her little fast walking pants demonstration.

This outfit made me miss Bill.  Bill would have livened it up with a pocket square.
 I made sure to get a selfie but none of us are looking our best here.  You'll be seeing lots more of Jerry and Jules this weekend as they are minding me while Bill is away.

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