Friday, April 25, 2014

Spoiled forever

A recurring, and probably boring to our reader(s), is how London has spoiled us.  Jen has mentioned traveling business class has ruined her for air travel.  Taking walks and seeing some of the most iconic statues and museums in the world has spoiled us.
And I've added something to the list.
Getting a haircut and shave at Ted Baker Grooming has spoiled me forever.  Because of the bank holiday and everyone else was doing holiday things, I was able to walk in and get seated right away.  Normally you have to reserve well in advance. 

This is blurry but you get the idea of my pre-haircut werewolf look.

I never got my hair guys name.  That's a dude thing.  We don't need to exchange pleasantries.  Dudes don't do that.

 Lovely experience ... this haircut.

 But not as lovely as drinking an Old Fashioned in between cuts.

I worried I was going to drink hair, but my nameless stylist would pause and hand me my drink.
I want someone to hand me my drink every time I drink from now on.

The most disturbing, and therefore fantastic, part of the even was when stylist guy burned the hair out of my ear.  He held the flame near my head and then slapped it toward my ear.  Whether it worked or not, who cares.  Real men burn the hair in their ears.

The face massage was great.  He was gently rough.  I felt like my face has sagged over the years and it has become rubbery like Jim Carrey.  How do you tighten up sagging jowls?
A couple of times he gave me a two finger whack between my eyes on my forehead.  Jen said he was doing a Three Stooges move.  'Take that porcupine'.  
The guys at the shop were speaking Lebanese and Jen thought they were saying things like 'watch me whack this guy in the forehead' for a laugh.  She was trying to ruin my perfect experience.
Nice try, Jealous Jen.

Here comes the first of my two hot towels.

That's me under the towel, in case you were confused.

That's me again under the hot towel.
I want to be draped in hot towels every day.

Now comes the old timey shave.  My first old timey shave.

 I'm strangely calm and trusting as his blade slides up my throat.

Not a hair was missed.
He was very thorough.

I went with a sexy mussed look.  Thank goodness I couldn't take selfies of my bald spot.

I'm coming back, Ted Baker Grooming Room.

1 comment:

didi said...

That looks like Heaven!