Thursday, April 24, 2014

Another day in London with Mr. Dibley

This is what happens when Jen leaves me alone.  I spend the day on a man date with Mr. Dibley
We rode Boris bikes through London.  

Mr. Dibley is nervous.

He was angry when I chose an ill advised path on Oxford Street, riding behind double decker buses and dodging the thousands of pedestrians scurrying in front of our bike.

He was much happier when we parked in Hyde Park for a rest and a cigar.

Dibley giving Happy Cat the stink eye.
Happy Cat is mocking Dibley with a limp wrist.  Stupid Cat.

He wanted to see how his food was being prepared.
He should have stayed at the table.  Nothing he saw made him hungry.

Mr. Dibley keeping his distance from the food.

Po Cha will not be on Dibley's recommended list.  I loved it though.

We popped in the British Museum for a few photos.
It was too busy.  I got some strange stares for some reason.

Dibley pretending he's a viking.

Even best friends have their fights.  We didn't talk for a while after this spat.

But we made up quickly and made fun of the tourists.
Always good fun.

Rakesh says I've corrupted Mr. Dibley.

Mr. Dibley is excellent at hide and seek.

He loves to chase the pigeons.

A man and his best friend.
(Come home soon, Jennie.  And shut up, Fletch.)