Friday, April 11, 2014

Booktopia 2014 - - Day One

It's that time of year again - Booktopia!  The weekend when 80 bookish people all converge on Manchester Vermont for author readings and shenanigans.  After attending for the past 3 years we have our own Fitbit/fiction fraction known as the Fabbies.  I did a mini road trip from Logan Airport to Concord MA to Albany NY with Kats, Jana, and Priscilla.  We hit Vermont in time for lunch with Chris, Earle and Nancy.  
Fabbie Powers Activate - I love that we all remembered to wear our matching wrist bands!!

It's very convenient that Booktopia is co-located with outlet shopping.
 Yay!!  Lisa's here and she came running out to meet us in the street!!  

 The first few hours of Booktopia is all about hugs - - it's awesome to be together again.  

 Breaking out the first bottle of Pimms.

We just need my roomie Dawn to arrive today (Friday) to make the reunion complete.  Official Booktopia events begin today but I'm much more excited about our unofficial walking, shopping, dinner plans. 
Many more photos of the Fabbies coming up over the next few days….

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