Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Easter Weekend in London

My last couple of days will seem busy based upon the following pictures, but to be honest I'm just killing time until Jen comes back.  Fortunately I have a good travel companion in Mr. Dibley.

First we went to China Town for some dumplings.

We started with some noodles.

Ah...here are the dumplings.  I can only eat them after I drain the scalding water out of the middle.  I bite an end and drain the water out.  After being in China a couple of times I know that the dumpling can be delicious, but you don't have to be Emily Post in the manner in which you eat them.  Etiquette is tossed aside.

I went to Green Park after buying a Cuban (a cigar, Fletch.  I know where you're mind went).  I watched an entertaining game of football.  I got into the action when the ball bounced off me and my chair a couple of times.

This statue looked a bit like the football match.  Or maybe a bit more rugby.  Wait, judging by the devil's John Thomas the game might be closer to buggery.

This statue makes me think of my mother.  Again Fletch, before you go off let me explain.  When we went to Italy the girls got my mom a little tipsy on vino and she admitted to liking the guys little bums when she went to a bachorlette party and watched male dancers.

Locke, Bacon and Smith.  Sounds like a good name for a pub.

I went to the Academy of Art to take in the photography print exhibit where you can purchase prints reasonably, I'm told.
It starts next week.  
Jen, where are you when I need you to arrange my calendar?
You can see the look of disappointment on Dibley's face.

Even this far away you can tell Dibley's pissed at me.

The Brits love a statue.

 Dibley pretending he is a lion.

I tried to make it up to Dibley about the Academy of Art by buying him a pint and a cigar.

Dibley had me pose as Edward Scissorhands.

We decided to brave the rain and head into Columbia Road Flower market.
We bought flowers.
We got wet.

It's always nice to turn the corner onto our Mews, rain or not.

Hope you had a Happy Easter.


Fletch said...

Jen, please come back to the UK. I'm not sure if there is anything more sad/creepy than a guy sitting alone eating dumplings with a small stuffed animal. This trip home has confirmed that you should never ever leave Bill for more than 24 hours (even for Booktopia)....

Isn't it about time for a Joey update?

Unknown said...

I think its time for you to go home...Bill seems a little desperate! xxn