Friday, April 4, 2014

Circus Dinner

Another Thursday night dinner at a restaurant that is booked up months in advance on the weekends….Circus.   It's exactly as it sounds - every 15 minutes a circus act come out and preforms on the long stage-like table.  There are people sitting at that table so before a show would start there would be words projected from the ceiling on to the table telling them to hold on to their drinks.
The ring master was also the DJ and worked out of the booth behind us.
Some acts were incredibly impressive demonstrations of strength and coordination.

I loved how these glowing hoops looked when he had them all going at once.  Very hard to capture on camera.
Our seat was at a table right behind the long stage table so we had a great view but didn't have to worry about getting kicked in the head or someone spilling our drinks.

They woman might have been my favorite.  Based on the number of photos I think she was Bill's favorite :-)  She hung upside down from her trapeze by just the top of her feet.

My least favorite were the campy "strip" numbers.  The jilted bride turns into a Beyonce -wanna-be doing Single Ladies with her hens.

The long table was cleared by that point.  We had a pretty late seating since I didn't want to leave work early.  We're pretty tired this morning as I type this and I'm going to skip "Fun Friday" this week so that I can pack for my flight home on Sunday.  If I can get that done today Bill and I will still have the weekend to find more blog worthy activities before I go!

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