Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Booktopia - Still Day Two!!

Bill is still golfing but I'm back in Newburyport and ready to recap Booktopia.  This year I really didn't care that much about the authors - I was much more excited about being with my mates. 
Not sure what is going on in this photo…Dawn and Earle having phone sex??
Nancy turned her back on the Fabbies as soon as this author arrived at the bar.
Author Code name:  The Silver Fox.
Here Nancy is in action.  The couple in the background look mesmerized.  I should add that this author wrote a historical thriller and every chance he got he was reciting Chaucer in old English.  I think Nancy was hoping he would whisper sweet medieval nothings in her ear.
 If Kats thinks she is avoiding my camera she has another think coming...
 Now that I'm looking closely at this picture…does Kats have a "Nancy, what are you smoking?" look on her face??
 Group selfie
 "That's what she said!"
 After the bookstore event it was off to dinner. We are a good lookin' group if I do say so myself.

Miss Chris surprised us all with matching necklaces.  We were fairly subdued at the restaurant….
...but once we got back to the room we turned Morning Glory into an Absinthe Extravaganza.  Kats imported the previously banned alcohol into the country so that we could have our own l'heure verte ("The green hour" - - an 1860's phrase for 5:00pm absinthe cocktail hour).  I have to admit that I am more partial to the lighter Pimms O'Clock than the anise flavored absinthe but I was happy to give it a go.  I would post more from this night but what happens in Morning Glory, stays in Morning Glory.

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