Thursday, April 10, 2014

Dinner with The Dude

I got to Edinburgh today in preparation for Golfstravaganza.  Without Jen my choices are, let's just say, less than discriminating.  Ergo, my dinner at Lebowski's.  Having a burger at a dive pub that is centered around a Cohen brothers hippie character might not have been Jen's choice ('what?! no pigeon?! forget it…) 

 Afterwards I shared a cigar with a Seth Rogan lookalike.  Here he is slapping his own face, something I can see Monsieur Rogan doing.
 I passed by the Ghillie Dhu.  Those attentive readers will remember that the name of the restaurant slants toward the racist.  Click on the old post if you want a refresher. 
But what I was more interested in is tucked away next to this lovely restaurant is another Subway.  Once you start looking for Subway's you realise that their world dominance is utterly guaranteed and equally impressive.  I can see an addition to the cliche Baseball, Hotdogs, Apple Pie and Chicken Temptation.  Dare to dream….
Sam update:  I have no idea what he is doing here…. words escape me.  Just enjoy.

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