Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Friday Night - Nbpt Lit Fest

I'm back in London this morning.  Thank you to everyone who was concerned for Bill's mental health in my absence.  I have to do a little backtracking now to catch back up to our regularly scheduled lives...

The annual literary festival opened Friday night.  This is the culmination of 9 months of virtual work and 48 hours of back breaking labor.  Starting Friday morning I am a manual laborer - hauling books, putting up posters, moving tables, etc.  But it was all worth it when my Fabbie Friends arrived.  Chris and Dawn were on board to moderate panels on Saturday so they were treated like authors with rooms at the inn.  Chris and Earle had a jacuzzi tub right next to the bed that was just begging for a photo op.
 The opening event was Andre and Ann Hood.  The theater was "sold out" and they were terrific.  Andre's demonstration of giving birth to his books was highly entertaining.

 Next stop:  Dinner With The Authors.  As you can see, it's a very stodgy crowd.  
 I was so happy thatDawn and Chris were there I hardly cared that I was surrounded by authors.
 Me and my buddy from the steering committee:  KK
 And here is my partner in crime - Vicki!  We splurged on Lit Fest caps this year for the committee so that we were identifiable during the events.  Something tells me no one had a problem recognizing Vicki.
Another Booktopia pal made her way to Newburyport - Sara J!
 We went out to the Tavern after the dinner.  Author Courtney and Chris were SO EXCITED to be carded.

Of course, it's all fun and games until someone falls in a bizarre selfie accident.  How Dawn wound up lying like a bridge between two chairs I will never know.
And on that note, we all went home to get ready for the big day!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ok..trying again to post....
I love love love these pictures .. The Fabulous Fabbie pix, the Lonely Bill pix and especially gorgeous Jen Jen
in her Pink frock. I have never seen any Fabs in a dress ..Wow..Earle and his Pearls...very feminine and beautiful ..miss you all xxxm