Friday, April 18, 2014

Back by popular demand (Fletch)…Booktopia!

I have about 400 pictures from this weekend and since Fletch said he was enjoying Booktopia - here are more pictures of the Fabulous Females in Vermont!!
For anyone trying to put names to faces this is (l-r) Jana, Chris, Nancy, Lisa and Kats.  Sadly Dawn had to head home after her one night but at least that night was a good one!

We did a lot more at Booktopia than just bookish things.  
We went for long walks.
We took many many many selfies.

 We went out to dinner.

 We went to the pub and hung with the authors. They are treated like rockstars at this event.  I guess if you're a little known author you should take advantage of the one weekend when woman are trying to pose with you, etc.  I hope they don't think they can demand a bowl of only green m&ms at their next reading - this stuff only happens in Vermont.
 We hung all over Earle.  At first glimpse I thought my favorite thing about this picture was Kats' expression….then I noticed Jana's hand on Earle's head!!!  
 But Kats' expression wins on this one!!
I love that Vanessa struck this pose the second she saw that camera pointed at her.  The Silver Fox was a little more slow on the uptake.
I'm not sure what is prompting all this head swaying but we were definitely having a good time.

We also enjoyed the porch of the inn…mixing "illegal" Pimms (we found out a little too late that since the inn has a liquor license we are supposed to drink their stock not BYOB).

I've got a million more…on any random day over the next year maybe I'll post more Booktopia.  Meanwhile it's Friday - I'm in Newburyport, Bill is in London.  Bill has a 4 day weekend due to the Easter holiday and doesn't know what to do with himself so it will be interesting to see what he comes up with!


didi said...

Love the Running Sucks tee shirt!

Kats said...

Aaah, good times!! I will have to favourite this post on my computer, and whenever I'm feeling blue I can look back to some of our crazier Booktopia moments. That picture of Vanessa and and the silver fox pothead expression cracks me up every time. Rock stars, indeed!
What a fabadabulous week-end in Booktopialand!

Kats said...

I just showed these shots to George, and he was most amused at where Earle's hand was on the photo, not Jana's. Well spotted, mate. ;-)

Lisa Roberts said...

I didn't notice Earle's hand on Jana's tooshie. Of course George would spot that! I agree Kats, this post is one to bookmark to remind us of a fun weekend. I love the blurry shots and the several of Kats truly enjoying Mulligans. Bartender Kats.