Sunday, February 1, 2015

Saturday Night in Sudbury

Lisa throws a lovely party.  But what happens at Lisa's will, for the most part,  stay at Lisa's because we forgot our camera.  
We did the classic, "I thought you brought the camera!" "No, I thought YOU brought the camera!"  
Regardless, it was wonderful to see Lisa again.  I haven't seen her since April.  Steve was there as well, but wasn't part of the few pics we shot with Bill's phone.
We only knew a few people there.  The common theme among the others seemed to be kids, dogs, and running.  SInce we have none of the above we dragged the conversation down into our usual silliness.
Lisa's younger son, Thomas likes when I make farty noises but Lisa wasn't having any of it.  I made a few quiet ones in his ear.

Rather than take pictures of other party guests, Bill took a picture of their shadows.  This is Michael.  (See bald chap in the back ground of the farty noise photo.)
Bill and I haven't completely adjusted to the time change so we left before the party was over. Thanks for a fun night, Lisa!  See you again soon!

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