Sunday, February 15, 2015

Valentine's Day Blizzard

Valentine's lunch with the girls.  We had to plan around the impending snow so we met early enough to linger before the storm.  I'm so out of practice with blogging that I didn't even think of taking a picture until we were just about to leave.  Didi was willing but….
 Stacey put up a fight.  I took one anyway but I'll keep it small.
 Back home for some more unpacking.   All the boxes are finally empty but now our basement is filled with cardboard and bubble wrap. Anyone need any bubble wrap?  We have cornered the market.
Our reward was dinner out.  We didn't make any reservations but since the blizzard started around 3:00pm we thought there would be fewer people venturing out.  The snow flakes were tiny but they added up fast - the snow was already a few inches deep when we left.

 I liked how they labeled the meat on our charcuterie board.  We usually don't know which is which.
 The happy couple.

We stayed late but eventually we had to go back out into the snow.
 There were several other couples walking from town.  I thought these two were cute holding hands.
 Look how high the snow drifts are on these windows!
 Where are the plows? 
 It really didn't seem that windy for a blizzard and everything does look nice with a fresh coat of snow.    I imagine all our neighbors are tucked up in bed with a book  - which is where I was headed.  Blizzards aren't so bad if you are cozy and dry.

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