Sunday, February 8, 2015

Bartering with Sergio

This is Sergio.
Sergio sold us a car on Saturday.  It was the 4th one he sold yesterday - which seems pretty good for a cold day right before a 84-hour snow storm.  He didn't have to work too hard with us since we went in knowing exactly what we wanted.  These days you pick the car out on the internet and then just go to the dealer to drive it and (after a lot to waiting around while they fill out paperwork etc) you're done!

Bill was happy because he negotiated the price down so that he could also buy Sergio's snow tires on the side.
I'm happy because so far I've been the one without a car.  We sold our second Yaris to Trudi before we left for England and since Bill has to drive to work (although due to storms etc I think he's only gone in once!) while I work at home, it sort of ended up that I was categorized as the pedestrian. 
In an uncharacteristic act of generosity, I'm going to let Bill take the "new" car and I'll use the Yaris.  These random acts of kindness  supposedly feel good…
Here she is!  An olive green Fiat.  Cute, sporty, fun to drive, with 30K miles on her.  We will be able to pick her up after the storm.  Welcome to the family, Fiat!

1 comment:

didi said...

I think green compliments your color palette, Jen. Glad you will have wheels so it will be easier for us to get together soon!