Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Are you sick of snow yet?

WE ARE!!!!!
I don't even know how much more snow we got over the 84-hour storm.  Best guess would be another foot and a half?  It probably felt like more to Bill since he had to shovel it over and over…

This is the house across the street.  Can you see what is still in the window?  Bill is disgusted but I like it (as long as it's in someone else's house - since you should all know that I eradicate Christmas on Boxing Day.)
This was my tiny contribution to the effort last night - a path for the postman.  I ordered new slippers from LL Bean and I need to make sure he can bring them to the door.
We took a little late night walk around town.   The snow was up to the ground floor windows of the library.
At least the library is shoveled out and ready for business!
Considering how light and fluffy the snow was as it fell, this snow bank was a lot harder than I expected.  
I'll close out by saying that the snow has stopped as I type this Tuesday morning….but more is on the way Thursday!!


didi said...

At this point I'm not going to see you till spring!

Lisa Roberts said...

slippers and library paths cleared - check!