Saturday, January 31, 2015

I love my Mom, but she has crap taste in movies

Mom and I shared a delicious Nick's pizza.  (Sorry London, your pizza is rubbish)
I walked into Mom watching a horrific Steven Seagal marathon.  She was watching this bleeding turd.  People might say that this was made in the 80's and the 80's were devoid of taste.  Wrong!
The 80's had Raiders of the Lost Arc, Ferris Bueller, E.T., Die Hard, Raging Bull (which I embarrassingly admit to not seeing), The Untouchables, Broadcast News,  The Verdict (Paul Newman's last great performance), 16 Candles (Molly Ringwald being adorable).  Even The Terminator and First Blood had their moments.
No matter what the decade, Steven Seagal stinks.  But if it makes Mom happy ..... 

Going to watch the Patriots win the SuperBowl Sunday with Mom.  More Trudi on Monday


didi said...

Star Wars, Terms of Endearment, Dead Poets Society, Field of Dreams -- the 80s rock!!!

Fletch...Lawman! said...

Be sure you get her a Netflix subscription to "Steven Seagal..Lawman!". It follows his exploits as a Reserve Police Officer in New Orleans. Needless to say, he has packed on a few pounds since his glory days of making bad movies in the 80"s. Here is the link as I know your mom is very tech savvy...