Monday, February 23, 2015

A tale of two Oscar parties

In Boxford, Zoe, Bret, Trudi and Bill held an impromptu Oscar party.
It centered around pizza, beer, angel food cake with strawberries, ice cream and whipped cream.

Zoe is insane about the Oscars. (Actually, Bret messed her hair up to look insane.  She, like the rest of our Boxford contingent,  is only casually interested in the Oscars.)
 But Zoe was very interested in the Angel food cake with whipped cream, ice cream and strawberries.
 Trudi hits the sauce again.  It isn't an Oscar celebration until Trudi tips one back.
(Mom has only tasted beer once in her life and hated it.  She yelled at me because she said my empty bottle had a little drop of beer.  It was nice to drag Zoe and Bret into our little play acting game.)
 Back in Newburyport, Laura and Jen continued the tradition of their annual Oscar party.  Mickey was not interested in the show.  He should have come to Boxford where the rest of us were equally disinterested.
More to come about the Newburyport Oscar soirée in tomorrow's blog.

1 comment:

didi said...

I vote two thumbs up for NPH, how about you?