Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Lisbon Tiles

We interrupt our winter blog posts for a flash back to our European holidays.
Remember when we were in Lisbon?  It might not have been tropical weather but there was no snow.  Rather than putting up another "look-at-the-piles-of-white-stuff!!" post, I found this left over from our Thanksgiving in Portugal.

We loved the tile in Lisbon.  I love the colors and the patterns and the fact that it's everywhere.  
We couldn't resist taking a whole bunch of pictures of us (ok, mostly me) standing in front of it.

Hey, Bill was there too!!  :-)  Every now and then I let him come out from behind the camera.
We need to retile the upstairs shower….maybe we should use Lisbon as our inspiration? 
Which one if your favorite? 


Mom said...

I like the 3rd, 4th, and 5th from the end.

didi said...

Wait, Mother Entwistle, the 3rd, 4th and 5th from the top, or the bottom? I'm confused. I like 2nd, 3rd, and 6th from the top.