Saturday, February 7, 2015

Our Stuff Has Arrived!

The movers arrived Friday morning with all our stuff. 
 We need to find a very prominent place for Betty.  Right now she's not that happy between the elephant and the cow.
 We had the movers pile the boxes up in the front room.  I suspect that some of them will stay there for a while.  (The boxes, not the movers.)  It's going to take time to figure out how to incorporate our London belongings into out Newburyport house.  But there are a few things that had to come out right away.
 Woodman was happy to be out by the firewood.  And we even found the perfect little bag for him.  He was quite chuffed to get a prize after the long two weeks of travel.
Reunited and it feels so good.  Bill unpacked Simon while I was on a particularly stressful conference call and brought him upstairs to sit with me.  It was so comforting to be back with my office mate.  Later we cuddled by the fire.  Now that our friends are here, the place can start to feel like home again.

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