Saturday, February 14, 2015

VD Day

Happy Valentines Day, Jennie.  Love you .... soul mate ... yada yada.

Now let's hear about some horrible Valentines Day stories told in tweets.
Love you all....

@rhodri Bravely hand delivered a card to a man I quite liked. After work in the pub he introduced me to his wife. She loved the card.

RT @rosa1813: 1st year at uni, received a large package. Turned out to be a large pile of Scientology self-help manuals from my uncle.

@rhodri I took an ex to Paris once to see Robbie W. He cancelled, and during a romantic stroll by the Seine, a pigeon shat on her head.

@rhodri I spent a day making a heart shaped box for my bf (was 15), his response "I cheated on you".

@rhodri Crush turned up at my house sobbing about arsehole boyfriend. Midway through sex he came through window with a hammer.

@rhodri parents made me reply to unsolicited valentine (aged 10) apologising that I wasn't interested. I had to deliver it to her front door

@rhodri I was given a card with a cartoon dromedary and a camel on the front, kissing. Inside, "ONE HUMP OR TWO?" I was 8 years old.

@rhodri When I was 14 I received an anonymous VD card inscribed: 'you're quite fit for a fat ginger bird' :((((((

@rhodri I got a card, in Spain, from England, saying "roses are red, violets are twisted, bend over bitch you're about to get fisted".

@rhodri I was once taken to Frinton where I met a woman with a large abscess who had once been in a documentary.

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