Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Two Words

There are two words that sum up our week at home:  Work and Snow
Work does not make for a fun blog post.  Bill and I are both swamped but who wants to look at pictures of us on con calls and sending emails?  It's duller than the sink series.
Therefore, today you get pictures of snow.

 Mother Nature dumped another 14 inches on us yesterday.  Bill was out shoveling into the wee hours so that he could get his car out in the morning.  I was tucked up in bed - I know it's not fair but think back to the blog posts of a few winters ago when I threw my back out and posted pictures of myself with frozen veggies down my pants.  (I was in the icing stage of rehabilitation - that was medicinal, not recreational veggie molestation.)  
Our street is now down to one lane.  There is no place to put it all so the piles just keep creeping out into the street.  It didn't help that the neighbors across the way (not Laura, of course!) were throwing their snow over on to our side the other morning until I rousted Bill out of bed to get out there and put a stop to it.  Interesting that as soon as he went out to shovel they found a new place to put their snow.  Maybe the neighbors are afraid of him?  He can be quite menacing...
 Everyone on the east coast is in the same boat so this post is more for our UK and elsewhere friends to see what a New England winter is really like.  It's cold, windy and white.  Yesterday Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow and predicted 6 more weeks of winter. 
Damn you, Punxsutawney.  Groundhog burgers, anyone??
Back in London, tonight is Quiz Night at the Victoria.  Good luck, Orchestra!! 

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