Monday, February 16, 2015


It's official now.  This is the most snow I have witnessed in my life.
Now the snow has ended but following it was near hurricane winds and intensely sharp cold. Jen and I believe that the snow drifts follow us, no matter where we live.  The other side of the road seems cleaned up and manicured.  Our house, however, looks like snowmadgeddon. (The same phenomenon is prevalent with regards to fallen leaves.  Neighbors - no leaves.  Our house is buried in a leaf pile)

Exit from the back porch was blocked by the additional 18 inches of snow that fell last night.

The humps of snow was Dr. Seussian.

The cold that followed the snow was just uncalled for.
All body parts are shivering and shriveling.
 Our onion cutting glasses worked well when the winds kicked up.
My cigar started to freeze, so it was like I was smoking a big kidney stone.

This impressive icicle has reached about 15 feet long.  

Meanwhile, we are prisoners inside the house.
Being stuck inside did give Jen the time to make this one section of our home look decent.  The rest is in need of attention.

Time to shop.


didi said...

Thank you for having the blog post ready for my morning routine.

Whitney said...

HI outside is nuts! Hope things are coming together back in the house. Loved your Valnetine's Day post - so sweet. Our drive is like luge run! Xo W & A. PS love the churches too!

Jana said...

That snow! That icicle! It's all insane.

On the other hand, I love the painting and bookshelf. Your home is looking marvelous.

Stay warm, you two! It has to end sometime. Right?