Monday, February 9, 2015

Short lived monarchy

Saturday night we went to dinner at old favorite, The Mission Oak Grill.
Eating in Newburyport vs London means we are saving a lot of money, right?
We're surprised how expensive it is here.  Even with the exchange rate the two dinners we've had here are close to what we'd pay in London.  We'll have to a bunch more dinners to test this hypothesis.

After dinner, it snowed.
And it's still snowing two days later.
Jen standing in the middle of the road to get a picture of our town.
Princess Leah-eniffer
Sunday was yet another snow clean up day.  I was beat after an afternoon of shoveling, so I took a break.
Since I created this mound of snow, I laid claim to it.
King of the snow pile.
Our neighbor Hugh took these photos.  Once again I've become the street side show.
 I shoveled again at the end of the afternoon.  When we woke up this morning it was like I was never there.  Another foot of snow landed on top of the record setting amount that has already fallen.  
Mother Nature has knocked this king off of his hill


didi said...

This snow is really getting old, isn't it?!?!

Lisa Roberts said...

Does this snow make you wish you were back in London, or are you enjoying it?