Saturday, February 21, 2015

REposting the UNposted

In real life, Bill and I worked and then made a fire, got pizza, watched Netflix, smoked a cigar (him) and went to bed.  Friday night is still pizza night and we love the down time after a long week.
But in the blog world, we wanted to give you something a little more interesting.  Below is a post I did 2 years ago in the early days of our UK adventure but I made the mistake of putting the name of the museum in the post. This was actually one of my favorite museums from our whole time in London!  Anyway, they then commented on the blog about copyright laws saying that is why people are not allowed to take pictures etc so I took the post down. But our public should not be denied!!  Here is the post with the name removed. Let's see if we get yelled at this time. 

We spent Saturday afternoon at an undisclosed museum location in London.  Starting in the 1800's they show how packaging evolves and reflects the history of England.  The Royals are obviously big players in marketing here - both to market products (see below - Edward VII for Lorne Whisky) as well as the subject of marketing with all the commemorative mugs, tins , etc for the jubilees or when they get married.  (Note from Jen in 2015:  now that I have collected about 40 antique royal mugs I can say that their marketing worked.)

We were told up front that there should be no photography in the museum so while I read all the little write ups for each decade, Bill entertained himself taking covert photos.  Hopefully no one from the museum reads our blog.  
(Note from Jen in 2015:  well, we know that they DID read our blog…do you think that person enjoyed it so much that they are still reading it?  We shall see….)
Lots of WWII propaganda.  Bill liked the many items ridiculing Hitler and I liked the VE mugs.

We took this shot for Trudie - she really likes the Dionne Quintuplets and has an illustration of them in her bathroom.  I remember writing a book report about them in junior high which made me go google them right now.  I found out several disturbing facts about how the girls were displayed daily through a 1-way mirror making"Quintland" Canada's biggest tourist attraction at that time (like a zoo!) and their father supposedly molested all of them!  That last piece didn't make it into my book report.

1 comment:

didi said...

We need to start a list of the fun and unusual things we are going to do in US once we can go outside again.