Monday, February 2, 2015

It's game time and I have a belly full of wings

Superbowl Sunday and Trudi and I are ready to party hard.
Trudi made a shed load of chicken wings and deviled eggs.
I brought hot dogs and chips and salsa and beer called 'Pretty Things'.
Again, there was only two of us ......

Early in the first quarter I was stuffed full of wings and chips (crisps for our UK friends).
Poor Trudi, she's a wounded warrior.  She's constantly in pain with a degenerative back.  
 But she was pumped up from the start of the game.  And she never loses faith.
 I was rocking a ten year old Patriots jersey of Joey's.
I broke my own 'dude's older than 21 shouldn't be wearing team jerseys' rule.

 The game was tied at half time (we gave up a crushing touchdown with 2 seconds left).  It was time for the halftime show with Katie Perry.  Mom likes Katie Perry, but didn't understand the Missy Elliott rap segment in the middle.  Mom, not a rap fan.
 Into the fourth quarter an our Patriots were down by 10.  I told Mom we need to break the bad mojo, so I drove home.  It worked.  The Patriots scored two late touchdowns to take the lead.
I went to the pub to catch the end of the game.  We won the championship when our defense made an amazing play on what is probably the worst play call in the history of the sport.
Passing the ball on the half yard line when you have a running back called The Beast.  Foolish.  
The bar maid is happy for the Seahawks foolishness.
And the Lombardi trophy is the Patriots again.
Sorry Jana.... (if you recall, Jana came to London and watch the Patriots crush the Colts by almost 40 points.  She stayed out with me until 3:00am.  So I really mean it when I say 'sorry Jana'.)

1 comment:

didi said...

Love seeing Trudi on the blog!!!