Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Perfect Cinema Experience

What makes for the perfect movie-going experience?  We finally booked early enough (because every show is always sold out) to see The Grand Budapest Hotel at the Electric Cinema. If this wasn't perfect, it was pretty close.
The cinema is gorgeous.  The seats are big leather chairs with leather foot stools.  The front row are beds, the back row are leather couches.  In between the seats are small tables, some of which have little art deco lamps.  And if you are chilly, you just take out the cuddly blanket from the within the footstool and wrap yourself up cosy.  
In the back is a bar where you can buy wine and cheese or beer and crisps or tea and cake.  Even the usually annoying "how to behave in the cinema" short was filmed right in the theater using famous Londoners like Benedict Cumberbatch (who was smoking a ciggy), Nigella Lawson offering snacks, and Tom Hollander trying to steal the blanket.
Meanwhile, the movie was a total delight.  I know Wes Anderson may not be for everyone but I don't really understand why.  The visuals are incredible with the usual Anderson over the top twee touch on every detail.  I think Wes would have approved the Electric as our cinema choice for The Grand Budapest Hotel.


Kats said...

That sounds wonderful!! When I went to the cinema (not a unique, stylish venue like the Electric Cinema) last night, The Grand Budapest Hotel was screening next door, and I briefly wondered what it was about. So, with your endorsement, I'll try and see it soon, too.... Sunset Blvd first, though! :-)

didi said...

I think Ishtar would be great if viewed in that movie theater!