Tuesday, March 4, 2014

A Little Museum Visit and Belated Business

We actually did do something other than eat a big meal on Sunday.  We stopped in at a little museum.  After I started taking pictures I realized that it was forbidden - - and since I don't want them googling us and then telling us off for posting verboten views I will simply say that this was the home of the German psychiatrist who fled the Nazis in 1933 and settled in Hampstead to analyze brits on his famous couch….got it?
 And here it is.  Many brains were picked here….many mothers blamed.
The museum overall was a little lean.  This room was chock full of stuff as our protagonist was clearly a collector of statues and artifacts.  But they were beyond the roped in area so it was hard to get a really close look.  These rooms were where he spent most of his time and they have been preserved to show us how he lived and worked here.

There was also an exhibit of a cartoonist who did a lot of drawings centered around psychiatry and anxiety, depression, etc.  At first I thought it was Ziggy but it wasn't.  They were fairly clever but I couldn't help but to think this was a way to pad the museum once you leave the main living area.

 By the time I got to the bed where our famous gent died I knew I was taking contraband shots so forgive the blur.  
And that was about it.  Which was fine because we were using most of our energy to digest and just wanted to go home by that point.

I also just realized that the blog is late with very important business….Happy birthday, Didi!!! xox

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