Tuesday, March 25, 2014

National Gallery of Scotland

Edinburgh is awash with flowers.  After Friday's rain we were treated to a very sunny (but chilly) weekend.

Andrea arrived in Edinburgh on Friday so Saturday morning we met her at the National Gallery for a little art. Doesn't Bill look good in his new cap?
I love pictures inside pictures.
 A few of Edinburgh Castle painted in the 1860's.
 Bill told us to pose like proper ladies…clearly we don't understand what that means.

 I also love a good beheading.
This is the iconic picture in this gallery.  The Skating Minister.
 Not my best work but I like the like the sparkles around my face.  I see magic.
I love these bright colored walls.  The art just seems to pop!
 Monet - this was one of my favorites.
Love the Degas ballerinas…not so hot about the Gauguin Tahitian painting on the other end.

 An expression I'm pretty familiar with...
Bill couldn't stop talking about this one…I think he just wanted to irritate me by saying "teat" over and over and over…

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