Saturday, March 15, 2014

Fun Friday - A Walk in the Park

I don't mean to taunt my East Coast mates but the weather here today is GLORIOUS.  Spring has sprung.  So when it came time to plan my Fun Friday I couldn't bear the thought of spending it in a museum.  I needed the great outdoors. Dilemma - I've been to all the major parks and blogged plenty of pictures of them so how do I satisfy my readers and stay outside for my Fun Friday?
I decided to do a Thames walk from Waterloo to Battersea Park.  The start of this trip will be familiar but I do love seeing BigBen. 
 This was a part of the river that I haven't walked on before heading West on the south bank.

 I rather liked this ship statue in the middle of this building.

 As you can see - the view slowly became less scenic.  Lots of new structures - apartment buildings, office parks and a LOT of construction.  This sign seemed to sum up the evolution of this area.
 Any Pink Floyd fans reading the blog?  This is Battersea Power Station which has become a bit of a icon and was on the cover of their album Animals.  It's now being converted into apartments but I assume the four smoke stacks will stay intact.  
The park was quite pretty.  There were a lot of different areas including a duck pond, a fenced in deer park, a children's zoo, a sports facility, wide walking paths, green areas, gardens, a gallery….the Brits know how to do a park.

 This is where I sat for tea.  You can see the power station stacks in the background.
 Peace Pagoda
 The park is right on the Thames in between the Power Station and the Albert Bridge.  This is where I was standing when I realized I needed to get home pronto for a 12:30 conference call.  My original plan was to walk across that bridge but I was out of time and had to get on the train closest to the park.  Finger crossed for more Spring weather this weekend.

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