Monday, March 17, 2014

Gallery Part One

On Saturday we went to an art exhibit.  No photography was allowed so I won't be naming names.  But here is the poster - notice the title.  You will ask yourself that question quite a bit as you walk through this gallery with your 11 GBP ticket.
Modern Art.  Seems like an oxymoron.  You walk in and there is an enormous neon sign that says mothers that is spinning above your head.  If you are taller than 6' 6'' you'd better duck.

Lined up in that same room are metronomes all ticking away.
Multicolored broccolis.
Graduated cacti.
I look interested, don't I?  Other items that did not get into any shots were the piano with the lid that would slam shut over and over again (annoying!) and the roof deck with a random brick wall in the middle.

In one room every few minutes there would suddenly be a projection of a small dog, a larger dog and a man walking across a white room.  We  were more interested in a picture of our own shadows.
From that upstairs room you can look down on the people under the spinning Mothers.
The real attraction of this show was a smaller room at the far end of the exhibit (the way that supermarkets but the milk in the far corner of the store) and  there was a line all over that floor of the gallery to get in.  We waited in queue for about 15 minutes until a woman came up to tell people starting with a few parties ahead of us that we were unlikely to get in because the room capacity is 20 and the last entrance is an hour away.  Uuuuuggghhhh.  Fortunately with a little complaining we were able to get tickets to come back Sunday morning.  So we were able to leave and enjoy the last of the afternoon sunshine.  

The only way out of the gallery was through a another room showing a video of "bodily functions".  They weren't kidding.  I saw two people violently and repeatedly vomit (which made me want to vomit) and this asian girl pooing (which did not make me want to poo).  We will only post this picture of the teeny tiny poo because the rest was really quite nasty.  But the reaction of the people in the room was pretty entertaining.  We were all repulsed and laughing at the same time.  One woman walked in and just started saying, "Why??? Why????"  Why indeed.

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