Monday, March 31, 2014

Great weekend to be a Londoner

 It was the kind of weekend in London that people sit on the sidewalk and have a bite.
 A sunny, beautiful weekend where pretty girls look even prettier.
 It was the kind of weekend where the beer gardens are full of life.
 … And beer.
 It was a weekend where Mr. Dibley decided to have have fish at a quaint French restaurant in Notting Hill.

 It was a wonderful weekend for tourists taking their picture in front of The Notting Hill Bookshop, scene of the Julia Roberts/Hugh Grant movie.
 It was a weekend where drag queens played on the streets.
 Unfortunately, it was not a weekend for the delicious chicken temptation sub.
 It was a weekend for shopping in the markets on Portobello Road.
 And for shopping for jumpers on sale.
Soak in this fantastic weather, Londoners.  

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