Friday, March 21, 2014

Securely in the Bottom Third

Quiz Night this week was another triumph for Weak Sauce (this has become our name now whether we like it or not).   But before we get into the competition, let's admire Bill's pub attire.  
Our barmaid, Daisy, noticed and was very enthusiastic about Bill's tartan look. Then turned to me and said, "Oh, you look nice too!!"  Nice try Daisy but I know I'm nothing compared to Dandy Bill.
We didn't get a lot of help this week with one exception.  I don't know his name but he's a regular here. In fact, we met him on our very first visit to the Vic at 11:30 AM on a Saturday (while we waited for the flat to be ready to move in).  He was sitting where you see him right now.  He's like the British version of Norm.  Anyway, he actually fed us several UK centric answers that we would never have gotten otherwise so, thank you, Norm!
Bill doesn't look too sure about an answer….
"Who cares what the answer is, as long as I look good in my selfie!"
Ok Quizzie Mates, here are some of this week's…
Who writes the Mr. Men books?
What was the code name for the battle of Normandy?  (Norm gave us this)
What presenter left Top Gear to go to Fit Gear?
What is a perfect score in bowling?  (We got this one right)
What is the largest monkey? (In the species, not one particular giant monkey...and we didn't get it)
What element has the atomic number 16? (we got this one too)

Our result for the week - - 11 out of 15 teams.  Successfully not last again.

1 comment:

Mom said...

I think the invasion of Normandy was Operation Overlord, but that's all I've got.