Saturday, March 29, 2014

Dinner Club - (no, this is not a repeat of an old post)

Dinner Club groupies, Jen and Bill, took to the circuit for another dining adventure.  As you may recall, the last dinner club resulted in Jen getting a phone number from a married man.  Let's see what happens this time around.

Jen looking lovely.  Dressed up for their night out.  Jen would say overdressed, as there was a mix of attires this evening.  Nothing wrong with getting best dress honours, Jen.
 Jen and Bill seated and ready to mingle.  Note the arm of the woman next to Jen.  She will become instrumental in tonights story.  (By the way, a rare necktie worn by Bill.  Bow ties were retired for this evening)
 Rupert, Olivia sitting across from Ann-Maria.  More on Ann-Maria to come.
 Another Olivia.  And the girl behind the bottle …. another Olivia.  That made three Olivia's in the row.  Poor Bryony was sandwiched around Olivia's.  Bryony and two of the Olivia's all go to fashion school together in Cornwall.  Straight haired blonde Olivia has a hip fashion blog.  Here is the link:
The fashion girls were very popular with the men.
 Obligatory food picture for Fletch.  Salmon, curry crab, pile of pickled onions, bread, blah blah…  It was good.  There, done.
 Bryony is glad she isn't an Olivia.
Bryony is starting her own magazine.  Very ambitious fashion students these three.  Bill bristled when Bryony talked about her 47 year old parents.

This is Ann-Maria.  She is a student of drama.  Not in the same way that Jen is a master of drama.  Ann-Maria is studying to be an actress.  She says she is more of a dramatic actress than comedic, but is taking a class on comedy.  She says she is a good cryer, but not good at stop crying once she starts.  Jen and Ann-Maria become very chummy.  Ann-Maria has promised to come to quiz night this Tuesday.

 Artwork on the walls of the Town House in Shoreditch.  The house had great character and was decorated with art and antiques.  It is a fabulous venue for dinner clubs.  Well done.

After dinner Jen and Bill join Ann-Marie and Hilary for a couple of drinks at a pub around the corner.  Jen and Bill are once again hanging with the cool kids.  In over their heads, but faking it until they are making it.
 Back home Jen celebrates pulling of the ruse of being cool.  Ironically, she celebrates with a nerdy dance.

1 comment:

Fletch said...

My thoughts:
1) Jen looks more awesome than ever.
2) Bill looks like Bill.
3) Thank you for the food picture.
4) Second "dinner with strangers". Hmm. I am concerned the next place we will see Bill is at the airport selling beads and ranting about the impending end of the world. This is how people get into cults.. Thank god Jen is too sensible for that.
5) Please, no more museums for a week. I am ok with castles however...