Monday, March 3, 2014

Sunday Roast in Hampstead

This is going to be one of those posts with a lot of pictures despite the fact that not a lot happens (we walk around and have lunch).  

We took the train to Hampstead and found ourselves in a butcher/speciality food shop.   I love these places because I figure you can always find some little treat to bring home that you wouldn't normally buy in your weekly grocery shop. In the back they seemed to have an American Corner - filled with junk food made up entirely of chemicals that you generally can't find in the UK markets.  At first I was excited because the only sugary cereal Bill can get is Frosties.  But then we saw the price - 9.15 pounds for Fruit Loops!!!!  That's $16 for the box.  Insanity!!  (Then again, should we stash our bags full of cereal on our next trip home? )

 Outside the shop they were selling sausage rolls for lunch.  This man looks like the quintessential English gent, doesn't he? His poor dog waited patiently for a bite but only got crumbs.
 Hampstead has a very particular look - with tile street signs, mostly brick houses and lots of little passageways.
After a bit of wandering we found our pub for Sunday Roast.  We wanted a pub with dark paneled walls and lots of nooks and crannies and a fire…and we found it.
Of course, so did many other people. We had to wait for a table.

 But once we got it we were so happy.  
 This is your typical beef Sunday Roast complete with lots of veg (string beans, turnips, mash), gravy and a big airy Yorkshire pudding.

 I had the duck leg which was dee-lish.  
We love seeing dogs in the pub.

 This was our waitress.  You have to have a very cute face to pull off that hairstyle.  Neither Bill nor I could pull one off.
 This older couple was looking for a place to sit for their drink so they joined us as we were paying the bill.  The pub was getting really crowded by the time we left but I could understand why - great food, the smell of a wood fire, dogs…this would definitely be my local if I lived nearby.
 Down stair and through narrow passage ways back to the tube.  

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