Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Quiz Night…Another Successful Loss!

This is our new weekly update on Quiz Night at the Victoria.
First, let us introduce you to our barmaid, Daisy
 This is a rival team - they call themselves Getting Quizzy With It.  We were neck and neck for most of the night.
 We managed to hitch our wagon to another couple that often does quiz night.  Their team name was Blue Box (they work for Amex and the Amex logo is in a blue box).  It's not a brilliant team name but I guess it's better than Weak Sauce so we went with theirs.  The guys in the background at 2/3rds of the team CSL (their initials perhaps?)

 We started out fairly strong but then stumbled in the second half.  However, we managed to come in tied for 10th in a field of 15.  Our tying team was the Jedi Knights - last week's winners.  Not too shabby!!!
A few sample questions:
What is the name of the largest moon in our solar system?
In bingo, what number is known as the duck and crutch?
Elvis sang lyrics in German in what song?
What are 5 anagrams for the word mescal?
What company did the fictional character Reginald Perin work for?
What labor party politician did Winston Churchill say was "less to him than meets the eye"?

If you know the answers to any of these questions, board a plan to London immediately and be ready for quiz night next week!!!

1 comment:

Mom said...

I know Ganymede is the largest moon, but I would have faltered on the others.