Saturday, March 22, 2014

Fun Friday - Museum of Scotland

Bill and I are in Edinburgh for a few days!  We're back in the flat that I rented on my last trip.  He is heading back to London on Sunday but I'll be staying on until Thursday morning so that I can hang out with Andrea for a few days. 
It's colder, rainier and windier up here so when the sun came out Friday morning I was happy to see it but sorry that my plans were indoors at the Museum of Scotland.  I managed to get out early enough to enjoy a walk before I went into the museum.  
I don't even know what this is but I had to take a picture for my mother.
 First stop - the ladies' loo.
Hi Everyone!
 This museum is ENORMOUS.  I wandered into this natural history wing with life sized hippos and alligators dangling from the rafters.  This is just one of several areas as this museum seems to cover everything from science to art & design to world culture…with limited time the area I wanted to focus on the Scottish history rooms.
 The Lewis Chessmen.  I've seen the pieces at the British Museum as well but I love looking at their faces.  Amazing that these were made in the 12th century in such detail and that they are still intact.

 This is the inside of The Darian Chest.  The lid has an elaborate lock system to protect money and documents associated with a Scottish trading company that was chartered to establish colonies in 1695.
Pieces of tartan worn by Bonnie Prince Charlie
 Weaving a tartan
 I'm not sure I'd want to drink the punch out of this bowl.
 This is for Bill - -early golf clubs and balls.  I also like those little falcon hoods.
The museum has a roof deck with some terrific views of the city and you know I can't resist a picture of  the castle.  How about that blue sky in the bottom shot?  We need to enjoy it while it lasts - more rain on the way.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Love it! Wish you could have put it in your pocket for your mother, though I'm not sure what it is either -- do voles have long noses?