Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Gallery Part Two

Sunday morning we went back to the gallery.  The best part of this exhibit (see part one yesterday) was definitely the room of balloons!   Supposedly half of the air in this room is captured inside the balloons.  You go into the room and you are completely engulfed.  It took effort for us to stay together for pictures.
This is us in a room of balloons - no commentary needed.


didi said...

wow, so interesting. did you feel claustrophobic or anxious at all? (or am I just projecting my craziness?)

Jennifer said...

I actually DID worry about that going in and made sure I knew how to find my way out. But once we get in I realized that it would be easy to find the exit. The grosser aspect was see all the HAIR all over the balloons. Large clumps of it!! I hate hair.

Amie said...

I wouldn't be able to stand the hair!