Friday, March 28, 2014

Edinburgh Castle - Fun Wednesday

I decided to have Fun Wednesday this week instead of Fun Friday (I'm typing this Friday morning and I'm in very bad need of a long power walk - fun for me but not the blog.)  My Fun Wednesday destination?  Edinburgh Castle!
(Apologies to Fletch who, I hear, is sick of food, museums and castles.)
I did see it 14 years ago but I figured it was worth touring every 14 years.   If I'm honest, this is not one of the better touring castles so I could probably skip year 21 and wait again until 28.  It's impressive as hell from the outside and there are great views of the city from the inside but the castle itself - walking through the rooms etc - is a little dull because there is no furniture.  Visitors walk through empty rooms which isn't very exciting or photogenic. So you won't see a lot of interior shots here - just the ones that show the majesty of the castle structure and the views.
Entrance to the castle…waiting with a group of tourists (I seem to think I'm not longer a "tourist" here) for the gate to open at 9:30am.

 I love this view overlooking Princes Street Gardens and looking out to the Firth of Forth.
 Towards Arthur's Seat
Towards Calton Hill with Waverley Station in the foreground.

The adorable little dog cemetery.
The castle grounds
 St. Margaret's Chapel is the oldest surviving building in Edinburgh.

15th century Crown Square

Inside David's tower - -an old, dark, dank section of one of the castle building that has a few interesting historical tidbits to it.  One was the Black Dinner that "ended in DEATH".  I love the expression on  the bull head on a plate.  In the 1400's that signaled that some one was going to die.  Seems like an elaborate signal - - a precursor to the Godfather's horse head perhaps?

 Proof that I was really there - the obligatory selfie!

1 comment:

didi said...

With all due respect to Fletch, MORE MUSEUMS AND CASTLES!!! (and dogs for Christin)