Monday, March 24, 2014

St Andrews Square Art with Light

Two blocks from the flat in Edinburgh is St Andrews Square.  They have set up an art installation of 9500 illuminated glass spheres on stems that change color in groups.  As you can see, the weather that night was pants.  (For US readers - this means the weather was crap!!) Rain rain and more rain Friday night.  It was hard to enjoy the view while we were so cold and wet.
It was hard to capture so we tried a few different settings.

I look happy but I'm really thinking "lets get the hell out of the rain and find a place to eat!"  Of course, at any given time it's a good bet that I'm thinking "Let's find a place to eat."

Basically, this art installation looked a lot better in person that it does in these photos.  Depending on the setting we use either it looks like plastic lollypops stuck in the ground or you just see black with a lot of little glowing dots.  Truth be told it wasn't that much different in person.

We managed to find a place for dinner  - a bar that served mexican food called The Basement.  The crowd was about half our age, the music was loud, the space was crowded and the wait for a table was long but we were happy to be out of the rain. 

 You know it's Mexican when there is a skull…why is Mexico associated with skulls?
Even cold, drenched, and eating mediocre Mexican food, there is no one I'd rather be sitting across from.  Bill always makes it fun.

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