Monday, March 31, 2014

Great weekend to be a Londoner

 It was the kind of weekend in London that people sit on the sidewalk and have a bite.
 A sunny, beautiful weekend where pretty girls look even prettier.
 It was the kind of weekend where the beer gardens are full of life.
 … And beer.
 It was a weekend where Mr. Dibley decided to have have fish at a quaint French restaurant in Notting Hill.

 It was a wonderful weekend for tourists taking their picture in front of The Notting Hill Bookshop, scene of the Julia Roberts/Hugh Grant movie.
 It was a weekend where drag queens played on the streets.
 Unfortunately, it was not a weekend for the delicious chicken temptation sub.
 It was a weekend for shopping in the markets on Portobello Road.
 And for shopping for jumpers on sale.
Soak in this fantastic weather, Londoners.  

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Spending our Anniversary with the Latter Day Saints

Bill and I were a little sluggish all day on Saturday after our late night out but the weather was glorious so we kept ourselves outside and moving - walking around Notting Hill, having lunch, etc.  We came home a couple hours to regroup in the late afternoon....The problem was that once we sat down we really really really didn't want to get up again.  

The only reason we dragged our asses back out of the house was because we had theater tickets.

We finally saw The Book of Mormon and it was hysterical.  
I told Bill to nudge me if I started snoring but there was no chance I could have slept through it.  From the very first note I was instantly awake and loving every minute.
We booked the slightly obstructed box seats and they were perfect.  We could see the everything except the very front right corner of the stage where, fortunately, nothing seemed to happen.  I know that many people have seen this show by now but if you haven't and you get the chance I highly recommend.
Happy Anniversary Bill!! It's been 14 wonderful years of fun and adventure.  

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Dinner Club - (no, this is not a repeat of an old post)

Dinner Club groupies, Jen and Bill, took to the circuit for another dining adventure.  As you may recall, the last dinner club resulted in Jen getting a phone number from a married man.  Let's see what happens this time around.

Jen looking lovely.  Dressed up for their night out.  Jen would say overdressed, as there was a mix of attires this evening.  Nothing wrong with getting best dress honours, Jen.
 Jen and Bill seated and ready to mingle.  Note the arm of the woman next to Jen.  She will become instrumental in tonights story.  (By the way, a rare necktie worn by Bill.  Bow ties were retired for this evening)
 Rupert, Olivia sitting across from Ann-Maria.  More on Ann-Maria to come.
 Another Olivia.  And the girl behind the bottle …. another Olivia.  That made three Olivia's in the row.  Poor Bryony was sandwiched around Olivia's.  Bryony and two of the Olivia's all go to fashion school together in Cornwall.  Straight haired blonde Olivia has a hip fashion blog.  Here is the link:
The fashion girls were very popular with the men.
 Obligatory food picture for Fletch.  Salmon, curry crab, pile of pickled onions, bread, blah blah…  It was good.  There, done.
 Bryony is glad she isn't an Olivia.
Bryony is starting her own magazine.  Very ambitious fashion students these three.  Bill bristled when Bryony talked about her 47 year old parents.

This is Ann-Maria.  She is a student of drama.  Not in the same way that Jen is a master of drama.  Ann-Maria is studying to be an actress.  She says she is more of a dramatic actress than comedic, but is taking a class on comedy.  She says she is a good cryer, but not good at stop crying once she starts.  Jen and Ann-Maria become very chummy.  Ann-Maria has promised to come to quiz night this Tuesday.

 Artwork on the walls of the Town House in Shoreditch.  The house had great character and was decorated with art and antiques.  It is a fabulous venue for dinner clubs.  Well done.

After dinner Jen and Bill join Ann-Marie and Hilary for a couple of drinks at a pub around the corner.  Jen and Bill are once again hanging with the cool kids.  In over their heads, but faking it until they are making it.
 Back home Jen celebrates pulling of the ruse of being cool.  Ironically, she celebrates with a nerdy dance.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Edinburgh Castle - Fun Wednesday

I decided to have Fun Wednesday this week instead of Fun Friday (I'm typing this Friday morning and I'm in very bad need of a long power walk - fun for me but not the blog.)  My Fun Wednesday destination?  Edinburgh Castle!
(Apologies to Fletch who, I hear, is sick of food, museums and castles.)
I did see it 14 years ago but I figured it was worth touring every 14 years.   If I'm honest, this is not one of the better touring castles so I could probably skip year 21 and wait again until 28.  It's impressive as hell from the outside and there are great views of the city from the inside but the castle itself - walking through the rooms etc - is a little dull because there is no furniture.  Visitors walk through empty rooms which isn't very exciting or photogenic. So you won't see a lot of interior shots here - just the ones that show the majesty of the castle structure and the views.
Entrance to the castle…waiting with a group of tourists (I seem to think I'm not longer a "tourist" here) for the gate to open at 9:30am.

 I love this view overlooking Princes Street Gardens and looking out to the Firth of Forth.
 Towards Arthur's Seat
Towards Calton Hill with Waverley Station in the foreground.

The adorable little dog cemetery.
The castle grounds
 St. Margaret's Chapel is the oldest surviving building in Edinburgh.

15th century Crown Square

Inside David's tower - -an old, dark, dank section of one of the castle building that has a few interesting historical tidbits to it.  One was the Black Dinner that "ended in DEATH".  I love the expression on  the bull head on a plate.  In the 1400's that signaled that some one was going to die.  Seems like an elaborate signal - - a precursor to the Godfather's horse head perhaps?

 Proof that I was really there - the obligatory selfie!