Monday, September 30, 2013

Sunday in London with Denise

Sunday - back in London sporting the new leather.  It's fall so time to pull out the superhero boots.  But instead of saving the world, we went to China Town for lunch.
This was our table in the window.  

In case you are wondering, that orange thing hanging to the right of Denise is an octopus.  We ordered way too much food but Denise wanted to try Dim Sum and Bill and I each had dishes we wanted to suddenly we had a table of food for six people instead of three.

We ended the day at the National Portrait Gallery - - one of our favorites and the one museum that Denise wanted to see while she was in town.

Heading home for Downton Abbey! But it was not NPPS without Christin.  But it was nice to watch the show with a fellow devotee.  Bill hid himself away upstairs and let us bask in an hour of Brit soap.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

TOTALLY love the new jacket and the boots. Great UK look, girl!