Sunday, September 29, 2013

Camden and Hawksmoor

We started the day leisurely - breakfast, a walk on the Thames behind the house and then the train ride into the city and a Mexican lunch on the water.  But we didn't even take a picture until we got to Camden Market.  It was as if, for a few hours, we didn't have a blog and 7 followers to update!  What were we thinking?  

Then punks behind me were the real subject but they were charging a pound per photo - as if no one has seen spiked mohawks and studded leather before.  Bill wasn't as stealth as he thought but we didn't pay the pound.  What I want to know is what is the woman in the striped shirt pointing at??
 Maybe I was inspired by the punks but I've been wanting a leather jacket and I found one at the market.  After the purchase we found out that the salesman was from Tunisia - the same town where Denise lived in Peace Corp.  Much Tunisian chit chat followed and he gladly posed with us. 
 Now that I'm on the street with leather I feel more "Camden"...
 Here I am again - - you'd hardly know I was out and about with Bill and Denise, would you?  Anyway, we stumbled into Hawksmoor near Covent Garden for a drink and decided to stay for dinner.  Big portions of beef, medium rare.  I was a little disappointed that there was absolutely no room left in my stomach for their Raspberry Eton Mess.  I'll have to remember next time to skip the meat and go right to the pudding.  ("How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?" - - Anyone?)

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