Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Pandering to the viewership again

Research has shown that the Jen and Bill blog attracts a certain type of follower.  You might categorize them as Mitford-ites.  Therefore management has informed me that I must include a reference to the "famous" sisters in every blog.  Enjoy.

Wikipedia summary of the Mitford Sisters reads as follows:  The sisters achieved notoriety for their controversial, but stylish lives as young people, then for their very public political divisions between communism andfascismNancy and Jessica became well-known writers. Deborah managed one of the most successful stately homes in England. Jessica and Deborah married nephews-by-marriage of prime ministers Winston Churchill and Harold Macmillan respectively. Deborah and Diana both married wealthy aristocrats. Unity and Diana were well known during the 1930s for being close to Adolf Hitler. In the early 1980s, Deborah became politically active when she and her husband Andrew Cavendish, 11th Duke of Devonshire became leaders of the new Social Democratic Party.

While Jen strolled around the grounds of Chatsworth, I found myself a lovely municipal golf course.  The good news with a municipal course is that is costs one tenth of some of the other courses I've frequented.  On the other hand it attracts a golfer who treat the course like it's the Delta House.  The Mitford girls would not approve.  

Travel monkey is excellent at finding lost balls (rumor has it the Mitford girls excelled in this activity as well).

It started pouring out just as I finished my round.  
I wouldn't want to ruin my favorite jumper.


didi said...

Bill in stripes!!!

Fletch said...

Since you are pandering to your two loyal readers...More Joey, More Jen. Less Bill.

didi said...

Finally, we hear from Fletch! I thought for sure you had abandoned this blog.