Sunday, September 1, 2013

Saturday Girl

I spent much of Saturday as Jen's personal photographer.  We'll squeeze more blogs out of the weekend, but below is a preview seen through photos of Jennifer.

 I was a second short on this shot.  Jennie was flailing, trying to swat a flying bug.  Her camera instincts kicked in just in time to smile.
We were confused by this protest.  It sounded like the protesters were telling the Brits to stay out of Syria.  The day before the British Parliament defied Dennis Cameron and voted to do just that, stay out of Syria.  Hence the confused look.

 A few lovely shots of Jennifer on the steps of St Martin's across from Trafalgar. 

 Wait, how did a piece of me get in here?

Mr. Dibley and Jen in the house in Bexley Park.  Stay tuned for more on this part of our day (as a teaser, we came here to see the macabre exhibit)

 After the exhibit we took in the park and read.
Later in the day, more reading, this time in Green Park.  I'll probably write more on a new friend we met.

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