Thursday, September 5, 2013

No Labor in London

Monday was Labor Day for the US and Jen.  Bill had a bank holiday last week so he was in the office while Pam and I played the role of Tourists in London.  We start at the Eye.
The pods are like glass rooms with about a dozen people in it.  Unfortunately for us, one of those dozen was a screaming toddler.  Why would anyone bring a 2 year old on something like this and force us all to be enclosed with their bundle of terror for 30 minutes?  The mother and child were hated by all.  So we tried to concentrate on the city. 

I wonder if anyone is screaming in that pod?

The child behind Pam was the brother of the screamer who made sure his little brother had something to cry about throughout the trip.  

After the Eye it was off to Buckingham Palace.  The Palace is only open for tours when Betty is up in Scotland at Balmoral from July to September.  On our way to the palace we stopped for lunch in St James Park.  The weather was perfect for a lunchtime Pimms al fresco.
OK, here is the palace.  Unfortunately this is the only shot you're going to get.  There was NO PHOTOGRAPHY on the tour and plenty of docents around to keep me honest.  Does't Betty realize I've got a blog??  
The tour lasted about 90 minutes but I'm sure we only covered a fraction of the rooms.  In the middle of the tour they included several rooms dedicated to the Coronation - old photos, film clips and all the dresses and robes and memorabilia including the invitation to young Prince Charles to attend his mother's ceremony.  There was film footage of the family posing for photos with little Charles (4ish?)  getting fidgety and Betty's hand just reaches out and touches his shoulder and he snaps to attention.   

Last stop - tea on the Palace terrace and a walk through the Palace shop.  A lovely Labor Day in London.

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