Monday, September 23, 2013

Thank you, Caffe Vista!

Internet issues this morning at the B&B means that this post is coming out a bit late...Bill is golfing and I'm having lunch at Caffe Vista, a lovely little cafe overlooking the Tenby Harbor with a guy plinking away at his guitar.  
We spent yesterday doing the cliff walk in Stackpole.  Right at the start of the walk is a sign warning you that "Cliffs kill!!"  We spent the rest of the afternoon creating death scenarios where we could use the defense that the cliffs did it.    I also enjoyed this sign posted at one of the intersections. They kinda make it look like fun!
The view at the start of the walk.  
This was the first beach we came to.  Love the ancient wall and staircase leading down.  

Bill, we warned you - CLIFFS KILL!!
I wonder how many people have died on these cliffs - or rather, falling off these cliffs either by accident or on purpose.  I'm glad the Welsh feel that the signage is enough since railings would really ruin the look.  This area in particular gave me that wobbly stomach feeling when I looked down.  I don't think I would have the nerve to throw myself off but I can easily picture myself falling due to clowning. 

And then we came to these two.  Hello, did you get the memo?  Cliffs kill!!

After a few miles of walking the post you come to an area with a pub - the perfect timing for lunch and a pint before heading back over the country side to the car park.  There were several of these narrow bridges with railings on one side - tricky when there are walkers coming from the other direction.
 We also ran into a herd of cows that were walking on their own to a new field.  One gave me a moo and a nasty look - can you see that I'm taken aback?  How rude.
 We ended the afternoon with a tea at a pub in Tenby where all the beautiful canines hang out.  

1 comment:

didi said...

Does that woman realize that if the dude falls, she is going over as well?